Our PetsApp will allow you to order prescriptions, book or cancel appointments, send voice texts, receive appointment and pet treatment reminders and more. Look out for our text this week - we will be sending an invite to all our clients.
Sign up is easy. Choose Millennium Vets as your practice and you will automatically be linked to you and your pet/s details.
To download PetsApp on your mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play.
You can also text us direct on the following mobile numbers -
Sign up is easy. Choose Millennium Vets as your practice and you will automatically be linked to you and your pet/s details.
To download PetsApp on your mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play.
You can also text us direct on the following mobile numbers -
- Braintree branch: 07360270589
- Coggeshall branch: 07723453516
We are always available on our main phone line of course - 01376 325511. Please ring us direct in the event of an emergency or urgent enquiry.
Look out for the easy scan QR codes around the practice.