If your pet has passed away and you would like to leave a lasting memory, please send a short memorial message and photo to reception@millenniumvets.co.uk and we will publish it below in our dedicated pet memorial page.


Lilly was the best dog in the world. She gave as such joy every day. We miss her so much. We would like to thank all the vets for all your help and support.  RIP Lilly you will always be loved forever.

Dylan, Shane and Cody

"My lovely boys missed so much by us Dylan, Shane & Cody, the 3 Amigos"
Dylan was 13.5yrs young, Shane 14.5 and Cody 15.5 so all had great lives. This is them - all together at the beach, as they were such good friends.

Miss Jessie

Our ever faithful friend, we miss you so much.  Grief is the price we pay for love XX


Our beautiful Lola crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday on the 28th June 2023.  Taken way too soon and will be missed more than words can say. The best little girl we could ever ask for. Sleep tight our little Angel, forever In Our hearts ♥️ 2014-2023


So sad, but she can rest now and play never be forgotten xxxxxxx


My beautiful Millie miss you so much you were my faithful companion to the end heartbroken 💔 RIP (Sept 2021)


💔 We will all miss you Molly, but you had 16 happy years with us 💔
💔 RIP : 09/2005 to 09/2021 💔


Oh... Our amazing and beautiful boy. We had to say goodbye just a week ago. You were at the centre of our family. 17 and a half.. My heart forever broken but my soul full having you in our lives. We will always walk together little man. Love mummy xxx


Three years have passed since you went to the Rainbow Bridge - taken from us in a matter of hours - but you are never forgotten - love you lots little man and you hold a special place in our hearts always - your ever-loving family


Can't believe you gone to the rainbow bridge babe so fast gone but never forgotten 10yrs sleep tight 8 12 20 x


My beautiful boy. You were loved by so many people and missed every single day. Thank you to the staff at Millennium for everything they did for you and for looking after you when I wasn’t there. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog. Sleep well. Until we meet again 1 day.


In memory of Millie (our Miniature Wirehaired Dachshund). Much more than just 'our dog’ – a faithful friend and companion, who bought us so much joy and happiness over the past 16 years. Forever in our hearts and thoughts. All our love always xxx (9th May 2003 – 2nd December 2019)


To our darling boy, Dusty. You meant the absolute world to us, and made our family so complete. Life is not the same without you, and we miss you so, so much. You left our world poorly, but made our world amazing, for 15 whole years. Missing you always, and love you forever. Thank you for being ours, we'll see you again one day for another chapter together, full of fun and love xx


Always in our hearts Riley luv & miss you lots xx


To my beautiful boy we miss you so much. I can't believe you have gone a part of us is missing now. The house is not the same without you. But we know you are at peace looking over us xxx


Our beautiful Molly died on Tuesday. She gave us so much love and we miss her so much.


My beautiful Blu crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. Taken way too soon and will be missed more than words can say. Sleep tight and look after Kizi


Dad and I are missing you so badly. You gave us many years of joy and love. Run free again with Toby xxx


you're such a special feral kitten that turned into a soppy cat can't believe you're 8yrs gone so fast RIP baby jingle will keep you safe up there now miss you forever sleep tight you're always be in my heart xxx


Hamish you were just the best dog in the world, I didn't want to ever say goodbye, but you were tired and nothing can cure old age your passing was so peaceful and you were treated with compassion The house is now so empty, no one excited just to see me anymore and no one to love me unconditionally as you did


you were one special cat can't believe you have gone from a dog attack this way you will be so missed by all of us rip baby I'm heartbroken x


you were one of the sweetest baby iv had you came to me in your hour of need you going to be missed so much I'll always love you x


My brave and beautiful girl who had the most gentle soul crossed the rainbow bridge on Sunday. You are missed more than words can say. Sleep tight little one.


My wonderful bunny who died today age 9. Loved with all my heart


Dearly Missed


Pollidog I went to the rescue centre to find a small dog. but little did I know there was this scarred staffie who was waiting to rescue me. I got you home and we saved each other...The 4 years we had I will never forget I am so grateful to you my angel and miss you every day. run free my baby Polly.


Percy rabbit missed so much! Xx


My beautiful Billy bun, who I miss so much! Xx


Hugo was our everything. Our peacemaker, our mischiefmaker. He taught us how to be good parents. He was the best travel companion. Our supersize bed never seemed big enough for him and his personality. He was majestic. He will be loved forever and was never spoiled enough. Endless toys, coats, leads and seasonal costumes. He made us who we are today. We are stronger because he did not give up on us nor did we give up on him. We thank Stefaan and all the team for not giving up on our baby.


You crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday... After almost 16 years together.. I miss you so much baby girl.. Love you lots xxx


Rip my dear rosie miss you every day words cannot express the love i felt for you i know you are looking down on us and your spirit will be with us for ever my darling little dog

Po Cartwright

Had our naughty tortie put to sleep 3 weeks ago.she was 18 years old.still miss her so much.


Our beautiful baby Bells (Bella) was sadly run over by a car, we all miss her very much. I still look at the window ledge expecting her to be there. She will always be in our hearts.


My wonderful, brave Molly (AKA: Princess Dumpling, Dumply-Do, Momo, Mollymoo). You were the most loving, loyal 'fur-baby' I have ever known. I will never be the same without you. X


We had you for 9 years after you turned up and decided to stay. It was the best years ever. We love you more than I can say. Thank you for everything, my good boy.


Miss you always


Had to say goodbye to our beautiful old boy today. We had you for 17 wonderful years, in which time you brought so much joy and laughter into our lives. Love you Thomas, will miss you forever.

Gizzy walker

We had to put our beautiful boy to sleep on Saturday. Unfortunately, he had been poisoned with antifreeze and he had kidney failure. He was only 5 years old. We miss him so much and have cried so many tears.


sorry for not noticing how very poorly you were loved you big boy and miss your giant paws and very loud purrs


Mali was my first Siamese, he was my soul mate, everyone's friend, and the unassuming leader of our crew. We miss him so much.

Stray tabby girl

I took you home last week to keep you safe till I found your owner, sadly you were ill and so I took you to vets a week ago. they gave you good care and though it was found you had renal failure, I had found a new owner who so wanted you as you were so lovely. Was heartbroken to hear yesterday that you had passed in the night. I only knew you for a very short while but I'll never forget you. I so wanted you to survive. Bless your heart xx


So loved and now missed so much See you over the rainbow bridge lovely girl xx


What a beautiful loving cat took you in when my sister passed away and never looked back it broke our hearts to say goodbye to you and will always love and miss you Love you forever and will never be forgotten


run free at the bridge big boy


You jumped over the rainbow bridge today. Go binky free and join your family. Pepper, Snow, Gizzy, Tac, Tic & Patch. Miss you all


RIP baby cant belive iv lost you like that run free with darcy your all ways be in my heart miss you xxx


Sweet dreams baby girl, you are so very missed, the house feels empty without you here. We love you so so much. Mum, dad, India & Bobby


r.i.p baby can't believe you're gone so young we always love and miss you xxx


Our boy. It broke our hearts to lose you. We took you in from age of 6 years. You made our lives so happy. Will never forget our special boy R.I.P special boy 31/1/2003 -12/12/2015


We miss you. Thank you for being such a beautiful and loving pet.


Rest in peace our beautiful beautiful girl, you were everything we could ask for in a dog and so much more. We miss you so very much, but you are no longer in pain. Sweet dreams our angel xxxxx


Night night Darling.... Our hearts are aching. Such a big space without you on our 1st night without you. Big boy you have so much as long as you could. We love you always. God bless sleep tight baby. The Gilberts xxxxxx


Our Beautiful Baby Boy Tobias X You filled our hearts with happiness So Loyal & so Loving! Goodnight God Bless Best Friend... Until we meet again...XX Mummies & Daddies. We Miss you Like Crazy xxxxxxxxxxxx


To the most special boy in my life I miss you soo much you were my little man and in my world everyone loved you! mummy [Tabitha Szulczewski] and Diesel


To my beautiful and much-loved bunny, you were a real character and a very special boy... I hope your years with me were happy ones, I miss you so much .. Be free my little one xxx


My life is so empty without my beautiful Princess. We were always there for each other. Whenever I came home, Princess was always there to meet me. I miss all the cuddles we had together, My life now is very tearful I am so heartbroken. RIP my Dear Princess. xxxxx


Although I didn't have you very long it felt like a lifetime you were my best friend who always put a smile on my face waking me up every morning for your breakfast even though you liked the odd mouse rabbit and bird I loved you more now my bby been taken away so young I wish you were still here it not the same there something missing and that my baby oscar my best friend and I love you so much not a second has gone by I'm not thinking of you rest in peace bby oscar my little rocky Black panther xx


Missing our lovely crazy boy so much. We hope you are having fun with Holly and Cassie. Bye-bye old man xx

Sandy & Jaspurr

Not a day goes bye without me thinking of you both.14 years since I lost you San & 7 since I lost you Jaspie but I still love you and miss you as if it was yesterday. Sleep tight my angels. Love Mummy. xxxx


We had to let you go, you are now up there with Jack, we have Rolo with us now and we will always mention your name. Xx God bless.


We loved you for 13 years, you were always there when we came home waiting for your 'doggy bic' and wagging your tail. You will never be forgotten. RIP Astra the Airedale xx


This world is so cruel, it broke our hearts when you were run over, you were taken so young. You are missed very much.... night night smudgerbear


Thank you for all the years you gave your family.


It broke our hearts when you were run over. We will never forget you and we all miss you, including Gracie who has no one to snuggle up to anymore. We love you xxxx

To all my cats

Can't believe we lost you all so close together from cars. We miss you all so much, its not the same xxx


Still miss you Jack after 15 years, we only had you for 7 years and you were a good'un, your brother's fudge and Rolo are 14 now and we talk to them about you, so that when it is their time to go, they'll know you are waiting.


For nine years you made life so wonderful, always by my side (well, at night anyway), my best friend, my buddy, my sidekick, known as a legend by all that met or knew you. We didn't expect to lose you so soon and our hearts remain broken but we take comfort for the wonderful memories xx


You were a faithful and loyal companion for 16 years - we will miss you so much. Hope you are enjoying doggie heaven and bossing everyone around as much as you did us. Lots of love. xxxxx


Words can't every describe how much I miss my boy. He was the best horse, my best friend and my soul mate. Rest in peace.xxxxx


The sweetest little kitten, taken from us suddenly before your first birthday. Always in our thoughts and missed by all.xxxx


Louie you were my friend, my companion, my all and I miss you so much. xxxx


Well Little Sweetie, You swore at Ricardo and Caroline showing that defiance which I am sure has kept you going for a while now. Beloved and trusted friend, I will miss you so very much, and never will I forget you. Thank you for being in my life, it has been so much richer for having you in it. Go well. xxxx


My little wicket you were taken suddenly and so young, you taught us so much we loved you so much your in our hearts forever never to be replaced you were truly one of a kind xxxx

Andre (puppy dogs)

You are my boy, my heart, my life, my best mate and now my guardian angel. I love and miss you so very much pups, run pain-free my boy, forever love you xxx


You were with us too short a time, we hope you knew how much we loved you and we made your life a happy one.xxx


You were my best friend, I will miss you lots.


Would like to thank all the wondeful vets who helped look after him especially stefan who was the vet we mostly saw, when his time had come they still done a wonderful and professional job, this candle is for him, miss him loads everyday xxx


For my good friend Christine and her husband Ed who recently lost their beloved dog, Jed. I hope he is running around in heaven with my cats Charlie, Archie and Percy.


Remembering my lovely cat Charlie who gave us 18 happy years. Love and miss him lots x


Goodbye to our dear cat Poppy, 15 years we had you but it doesn't seem enough. God bless and sleep tight our wonderful angel xxxx


We all miss you Sophie and thank you for the last 16 years. You are one in a million, no dog could ever replace you xxxxxxxxx


Thanking Millennium Way especially the wonderful Stefaan for looking after our "Cheeky Boy 'Ansome" so well and during his oncology treatments that allowed us to have so much more time with our wonderful Labrador than we thought we would get. We miss him every day still. We hope that he is happy that we have rescued a Spanish Greyhound called "Mouse". <3


Forever in our hearts and missed every day by your family, Leah and Flora. Sleep tight, you were a very special boy. Xxx


We all still miss you terribly big fella, just not the same without you by our side. Thank you for being ours, it was a privilege x love always, Charlie, Nik and Alf x


You are very much loved and missed. I am sorry we couldn't make you better in the end but Mummy tried and I did all I could. Love you forever xxx


Charlie thank you for so many happy memories but thank you even more for the memories you gave my daughter you Will never be forgotten and always be love. Sleep well Charlie cat x


Charlie was a beautiful tabby cat and was there for all my life. she was loved by many many people and will always be in their hearts, love you charlie xxxxx


We loved you since the moment you were born. Your mum, sister and all your human family miss you a lot. We hope you are chasing balls and sticks where you are now with your other brother and sister. xxxxx

James II

You were the best cat in the world. Miss you and your funny ways. William and Mary