This is the information we have from Wallace Kennels:
"We think Daisy is about 7 years old and she is in urgent need of a very special home. Daisy has the most fabulous temperament. She is sweet and affectionate and we would be happy to home her with children as she is so gentle. She is great with other dogs and walks beautifully on the lead. We have no doubt that she will be perfect in a home with her main requirement being lots of cuddles.
We think this beautiful girl has been used as a breeding machine and then discarded. The poor love wets the bed every night and she may need ear surgery which we will arrange once she is settled in a new home.
Daisy is very unhappy in kennels and literally clings to you when you take her back after her walk. She is a very loving dog who desperately needs a home.We are looking for special people to either foster Daisy or give her a permanent home. Please contact us if you think Daisy would be the perfect addition to your family. We love her and we hate seeing her so sad.
"If you would like more information or think you can help Daisy please contact Wallace Kennels direct. Its not just Daisy that needs a home and their website gives details of the other dogs that need a home." Tel: 01277 821032
You can visit their website at www.wallacekennels.com